2 Aug 2022 by Marcel Mavronicholas


Training will resume for U10’s, U12’s & U14’s on Sunday 21st August at The Vyne School’s Sports Hall. And every Sunday thereafter.

U10’s 11:45am till 1:05pm
U12’s 1:05pm till 2:25pm
U14’s 2:25pm till 3:45pm

Sessions will be £6 or £25/month payable on 1st of each month in advance.

Membership forms will need to be filled in prior to your child taking part in any session

Membership form. link: https://tinyurl.com/38e288rz or find the form on our web page, basingstokeblizzards.teamapp.com
Click on: menu bar, more, then documents

U16’s will resume on Wednesday 7th September at The Vyne School’s Sports Hall
times: 6pm till 7:30pm
Under 16’s sessions will be £30/month payable in advance on the 1st of each month

Membership forms will need to be filled in prior to your child taking part in any session
Membership form link: https://tinyurl.com/38e288rz or find it on this web page, menu bar, more, then documents

We have struggled to get more court time and add a session for U10’s.
Therdd reffore the Under 16’s session has been changed to try and get them a bit more court time and is currently booked for September but may have to be changed at a later stage due to availability issues.

New members and all players need to be kitted up with a pair of shorts, a jersey or t-shirt, basketball boots or trainers and be sure to bring a bottle of water for hydration to each session.
If selected to play a Blizzards bespoke kit will need to be purchased, £55 was last years price.

When your child’s session is finished he will be asked to vacate the sports hall as soon as possible for the next session to commence.

We have had an enormous amount of enquiries special in the U10’s we will endeavour to accommodate all, but there may have to be a selection at some point if there are too many numbers.

To facilitate the first few sessions and handing in your registration forms,
you are welcome to email your form to
or send it by WhatsApp to

Members should pay for junior membership (£25 for the year) before their first session
New members will need to pay the yearly membership fee after their third session

Basingstoke Blizzards Basketball Club
SORT CODE: 09-01-28
Ac No: 51828652

If paying by BACS. Be sure to use your surname as a reference (just the surname)


The Vyne School

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